We give You thanks, O lord God almighty, The One who is and who was and who is to come, because You have taken Your great power and reigned. – Revelation 11:17
This is the end of story. Jesus wins! We win! We know how the story ends, which is the starting place for us. We advance the Kingdom and fight the good fight from victory. Hallelujah!
Declaration: Victory in mine in Christ Jesus. He reigns and rules over all my circumstances. I will not fear.
The Way, the Truth and the Life
Jesus said, “When you see me, you see the Father.” You and I know the scriptures, and I love this scripture:
“I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life.” – John 14:6
Many times we Evangelicals just stop right there, but it’s incomplete. The rest of what he said is this: “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
The whole point of Jesus being the way is He’s the way to the Father. The whole point of Him being the truth is so the Father can be known. The whole point of Him being the life is that the Father can be experienced. It’s all about the Father. You must know Him as the Son and His Father as Daddy as in, “That’s my Dad and He loves me.”
And here’s the deal: in a family situation, it’s not about if you’re messed up or not. I know that’s an odd thing to say in this generation where every family gives all these ultimatums and says, “You do this and you’re out. You do that, you’re out.” That’s not the way it works in family.
“But Pastor Troy, it works that way with my family because we’re all messed up.”
Let me just tell you something: The most blessed family in the world is messed up. I don’t have to know you to know your family is whack. Every family is jacked up. Every. Single. One.
I promise you, God Almighty doesn’t ask you to filter your family through a perfect system that says, “Everything has to be perfect for me to love and accept these people.” Why not? Because that’s not how He operates so it’s not how you operate.
You have to be able to understand God Almighty is your Father. He doesn’t demand everything be perfect for you to be His child. Do you understand that? God doesn’t want the perfect son. He wants YOU–just the way you are. That’s the Way it is and that’s the Truth of the matter so experience the life He’s given to you by knowing Him as Father today.