As the Lord had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did. – Joshua 11:15

Are you willing to build on the foundation someone else laid? If you are about building the Kingdom of God and not your own empire, you must be humble. Do not knock down what others have done.

Declaration: I will walk in humble obedience and seek the Lord on how to move forward.

Let Me Introduce You…

When you find Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, what you don’t find is Jesus.

“But Pastor Troy, I think I know exactly what Jesus looks like and acts like,” even though out of 31,171 verses in the King James Bible there’s not one single description of Jesus except that He had a beard. We know that because they plucked it out at the cross.

Think about it: there’s no physical description of the Lord Jesus in scripture. If He’s the central figure of the Word of God and all the scriptures do testify of him, why in the world would He not tell us what He looks like?

Because Jesus is supposed to look like people taking in orphans. Jesus is supposed to look like
a widow being supported, hungry people being fed, folks being healed and set free from all manner of madness. You cannot define him to a race, a generation, or a certain look.

Nope. You don’t find a single description of King Jesus in the Word. What you do find is an incredible description of the Father through King Jesus. The mystery of Fatherhood is really what He came to reveal. That’s why He came as the Son.

He didn’t have to, you know. He could have come as High Priest, King, General, CEO, Grand Poobah or any manner of earthly authority. He came as a Son because He spent eternity in the presence of the Father and knew His heart so deeply, He just had to reveal it to us. Lost, broken, rebellious mankind.

Is Jesus upset you can only see the Father through Him and not see Him? No. Knowing God as a good father is so important that Christ laid down His own agenda and identity to demonstrate His Word, will and ways. He’s bragging, “My dad’s the best and the strongest. You really need to know Him the way I know Him.”

What about you? Do you know God as a good Father–your Daddy and Abba? If you do, demonstrate Him today. If you don’t, let me introduce you: Child, here is your Everlasting Daddy and He’s a good, good Father.

He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? – John 14:9