I declare in the name of Jesus that my relationship with Jesus is personal and also very public. He made me to share His love and His Word with others. He calls me a “living epistle.” I am a story. Today I testify to Him!
You were born not just to make it, but to make a way for others to make it.
All of this forward living is not just about you. Promised Land living is a constant awareness of destiny, legacy and leaving a heritage of forward momentum for others to build on.
Yes, like Jesus, we are to be builders and carpenters.
There is an old adage that says, “It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.” One day, your life is going to require you to live up to what you’ve fought so hard for.
Life is fighting, pushing, running, overcoming, building, achieving, declaring and pursuing after God. Someday, not too very long from this moment, you will finish your race.
Now don’t start freaking out! You need to know how this works. For you to walk in the power of God, you have to live in the paradox of complete awareness of both your eternity and your short time here.
When you get ready for your big finish, I hope you can be like Paul – able to look back at your fight for forward and say, “Man, I fought a good fight.”
For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing.” – 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Take a good look at this passage. Notice how Paul was not only thinking about himself at the end of his life, but “for all who long for the appearing of Jesus.”
Know this: Paul fought the good fight, and the good fight is one that you win! Yes, you win! So, like Paul, finish the course. Jesus is the prize.