I declare in Jesus’ name God is speaking courage into me. I will move into my Promised Land and slay giants who try to keep me from advancing. No matter how loud it roars, I know God is bigger. I trust His plans for me. 


If you are going to get your upgrade and go to the next level, you cannot rebel against God in your wilderness experience – which is easy to do as the wilderness is hard! If you’re like me, you get tempted to run away from God.

Instead, you must run to Him!

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. – Proverbs 18:10

You see, how you act in the wilderness determines if you spend 40 days like Jesus did, or 40 years, like Moses. It is really up to you!

It is so important we learn to live and be happy in God’s presence, because in the wilderness, the battle is about survival. In the Promised Land, it is about advancing.

The enemy of dreaming, of creativity and forward, is survival. God wants you to get through your wilderness so you can get past surviving and get on with thriving. To do this, the enemy must be displaced from the places God has given you as an inheritance. 

Know this: that place of inheritance is in God’s amazing presence in the wilderness. It’s where He changes you from a helpless slave to an overcoming warrior.

So instead of learning how to protect yourself, God wants to teach you how to fight. To battle for His promises, His goodness, hearing His voice and for territory in which to glorify Him. He wants to make you dangerous to the enemy and willing to fight for more of Him.

Do you want to be a warrior? Learn to fight through prayer and by searching for the heart of the King of Kings. Run to Him!

From my book Living Life /Forward