I declare in Jesus’ name God calls me Holy. I was created to be set apart for His purposes. I don’t listen to the voices saying I am less. I am a child of the One True God and I am set apart for His assignment.
When you’re a child of God, you must learn to value what your heavenly Father values. So what does He value? Good question!
1) The presence of God. This is personal encounter. It’s here you learn to become completely dependent on His manifest presence in your life. You make a big deal out of seeking Him and finding Him. You want Him in every part of your life and want to know what He thinks because you want to be in agreement with Him.
2) The Word of God. This is all about personal communication. You need to have a huge value for His Word, both spoken and written. I love hearing Him speak to me – and He uses numbers, stars, dreams, visions, music, encounter and prophecy in addition to the Bible. Learn to hear Him in these things!
3) Mystery and waiting. This is about strategy and decisive action. At times, you are responsible for partnering with Him to plan and make strategic moves. You’re also responsible for waiting on Him in things you don’t even known how to articulate. You will value daring to step into the unknown and celebrate your progression.
4) Supernatural experience. Those who truly live life forward do so knowing that nothing is impossible because of Jesus Christ. It is perfectly natural to live supernatural lives and you should refuse to consider any other notion.
When you value these four things, nothing is impossible! You will bring heaven to earth and people will see the goodness of God. This is how people get saved. God’s goodness overcomes the evil in their lives.
Jesus gave them this answer: ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed. – John 5:19-20
So value what God values and bring someone to the Father today!
From my book: Living Life /Forward