I declare in Jesus name you are brining me words of knowledge and the people who need them. I am prepared to show your goodness to whoever you bring into my day. I will speak Jesus Christ into them. 


It’s not enough to just teach Jesus. You and I need to teach the goodness of Jesus through selfless acts of service and demonstrations of what Heaven values.

You see, the world doesn’t believe God is good. Why? Life is hard. Loved ones get sick or addicted. People die. There are more mouths to feed than money. Jobs are lost and disasters seem to strike from all sides. 

Though God doesn’t cause these things to happen – we live in the fallen world as the consequence of sin – people believe that when bad invades their life, God is getting revenge for something they did wrong. Even longtime believers fall into this trap!

So, what do you tell the lost, hurting and downright angry? Simple. Tell them God is not mad at them. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled to the Father. That means there is no animosity between us. God’s not mad at anyone!

That’s good news to a dying world that has fashioned God in the image of man – vengeful, spiteful and filled with anger. You and I need to paint a different picture of who God is with our actions.

We need to paint Him as good, because He is. How people are treated in Heaven should be how people are treated on earth by those who bear the name of Christ. Let’s paint a new face – the true face – of God for all the world to see.

A face that loves His creation. A face that is good.

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power – 1 Corinthians 2:4

From my book: Good Overcomes Evil