I declare in Jesus’ name I am prepared for the next step in my upgrade. As He reveals it, I will not let the enemy keep me stuck. I am bold and courageous in my plans because I have the mind of Christ!
When we think of the Spirit of St. Louis, we generally think of Charles Lindbergh’s airplane, which is hanging in the Smithsonian Institute. Actually, that airplane was named after a group of people from Missouri who prepared pioneers for their journey west into the unknown.
If you were adventurous enough to head out west, St. Louis was the place you went to get equipped, both mentally and physically. The journey was tedious, treacherous and trying. Because of this, it was only doable with the right preparation.
So it is with your journey to the next level of God’s plan for your life. You want to make sure your bags are packed correctly. Why?
Because if you are going to move forward to get your upgrade, you must become skilled at achieving goals. Yes, I pray for, meditate on and pursue supernatural skill sets for getting things done. This is done in four steps.
1) Set achievable goals. This is all about vision. Talk to the Holy Spirit about this.
2) Put together a strategy and a plan. This is all about getting wise counsel, doing your research and being teachable. If you’re not teachable, you’re in trouble.
3) Take action. This is all about courage. Again, talk to the Holy Spirit about this.
4) Review and stay on track. This is all about meditation and contemplation. Think God thoughts, practice stillness and go after peace as you consider what works, what needs a tweak and what needs thrown out.
I can tell you from personal experience, if you were to take these four steps seriously, you will become very skilled at achieving goals. This makes you a world changer!
Do you want to be a world changer? Do you want to find your life’s purpose and bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth? Get some oil for your lamp!
Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. – Matthew 25:1-4
From my book Living Life /Forward