I declare in the name of Jesus I am a selfless giver. I act in faith and the result is authority over obstacles of evil. I focus on God’s love for me. I am an overcomer who will bring many to the Kingdom. 


Goodness is a catalyst for incredible miracles, transformations and moves of God. Why? Because it always has selflessness attached to it. And what does selflessness have attached to it? The love of God, which brings grace to overcome to the party!

Listen to what the Bible says about the God-kind of love:

Love… bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all thing. Love never fails. – 1 Corinthians 13:7-8

Wow! God’s goodness is seen in believing, hoping and enduring, but overcoming – that’s just plain powerful!

The supernatural power to overcome obstacles comes from serving others selflessly, which is the opposite of our nature. We are naturally selfish, so serving others is an act of our will. See, the goodness of God that overcomes evil starts off as a willingness to serve, but ends up as a transformational juggernaut, aka: Heaven’s momentum.

Heaven’s momentum comes from faithfully serving without losing focus or falling out. Heaven’s authority is also part of faithful service.

But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. – Luke 22:26

In the kingdom, authority is reserved for servants. When people are selflessly serving others, God and His goodness show up and change everything. Is that you?

From my book: Good Overcomes Evil