I declare in the name of Jesus I bear the fruit of self-control. I have decided early in the day to fill my mind with God’s Word. I will guard my thoughts today and cast down all evil imaginations and high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.
Ever found yourself throwing a fit or losing it when things you planned are not as successful as you had hoped? I have, and like me, you need to let the Word of God deal with you concerning how you deal with life’s disappointments.
Seriously pray for God to give you an anointing for mercy in stressful situations because losing it and bad mouthing others are surefire ways to let the devil have your witness.
When thoughts turn to anger, blame, excuses, slander (false witness), envy or infighting, we lose control. There is a reason the nine Fruit of the Spirit begins with love and ends with self-control. Our thoughts are to be loving and controlled so that ungodly mindsets will be disposed of.
Instead of losing your mind, stand! Make a clear and definitive stand in your thinking so you will have a mind that glorifies and belongs to the Lord in every way.
Remember, your brain has teeth. If you do not command, restrain and control it, it will chew your life – and your testimony of Christ – to pieces. You can forget about fighting the devil or overcoming the world until you get real about dealing with the three pounds of flesh between your ears.
It is time for you, as a Christ follower, to take back your God-given mental turf with clear strategies from the Word.
We are to “take every thought captive” and to “have the mind of Christ.” When ungodly thoughts creep in, kick them out in the name of Jesus. Purpose to think of something good, or do what I do, change the mental channel by singing praises.
I want to encourage you to not let yourself lose your mind when things don’t go the way you planned. The collateral damage of lost relationships and a compromised testimony are devastating to the Kingdom.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ… – 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
From my book: Soul Invasion