I declare in Jesus’ name my life belongs to the Lord. I give Him all of it and hold nothing back. I am a living sacrifice for the Kingdom just as Jesus was a living sacrifice for me. I am blessed!
Ok, this is another lie that Satan likes to whisper in our ear so we won’t go after God’s best for us. He wants us out of the fight, off the mission field and influencing others to follow our sorry attitude.
“So, let me get this straight,” said the young man across my desk. “I quit smoking weed. I moved out of my girlfriend’s house. I don’t have any friends except here at church, and you’re telling me God wants more?”
“How much more, Pastor Troy?”
“Everything. All of it. He’s after you, boy, and He’s not going to quit.”
Over the years, I have had this conversation with many people, including the good looking fat man in the mirror. We all have a selfish part that wants to tell God to “talk to the hand” when it comes to asking more out of our life. On this subject, we need a right mind.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. – Romans 12:1
Gulp! What does it mean when it says to present your body as a living sacrifice? It means to lay it down and give it up. You may fear going to the trash dumps of Matamoros, Mexico, the OpenDoor Food Bank or the homeless outreach on Skid Row, but the Lord just told you to sacrifice your personal comfort and sometimes, safety, to go there to help the hurting.
It’s really not a big deal. As a matter of fact, it’s only your “reasonable service.” In other words, it’s the sensible, sufficient and inexpensive way to serve the Lord.
So how can God think it’s not a that big a deal to give your entire life to Him? Because He made it so He owns it!
From my book: Soul Invasion