I declare in Jesus name that I am a walking testimony of God’s goodness. I will praise him with my words today and be a light in the darkness for the lost and hurting.
In nearly 30 years of consistently bringing God’s goodness to the poor and afflicted, Leanna and I have seen signs, miracles and wonders beyond definition. Some of the greatest miracles I have experienced just naturally happened while were were helping in very practical ways.
Heaven invades earth and God’s will is done through these works of the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact, all three works of the Holy Spirit, signs, miracles and wonders are mentioned together in only one verse in the Bible.
“Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.” – Acts 2:22
There is a big difference between these three manifestations of the Spirit, so hold on tight as I give you Troy’s Cliff Notes primer on signs, miracles and wonders.
SIGNS: A natural event that proclaims a message of something unseen. It’s when God uses the natural to point to the supernatural. A good example is when a microburst snapped the power pole, blew up the transformer and cut the power to a friend’s house. Of course, the electric company put up a new pole and transformer, but there was a message in that wind. God used the natural to cut off an old power source–a negative way of thinking–to her household. It was replaced by a new power source–a Godly way of thinking. My friend admitted that she had just repented of talking to “snakes” and had no idea there was a message in the microburst because when it comes to signs, only those looking for them can see them. I’m looking!
MIRACLES: When God changes, or even exchanges, the natural with the supernatural. It’s when God intervenes in extreme circumstances and rescues us from negative outcomes, danger or a major malfunction. Sickness is healed, a car is miraculously moved out of the way of a speeding truck, or an unexpected check shows up in the mail in just the amount you prayed for.
WONDERS: Things God does just because He can with a very personal message in them. Wonders in my life include being given a million-dollar church campus by a near stranger before I even knew I needed one, and praying with a prison inmate desperate to get a message to his long lost family, then the next day, sitting beside his brother in a 60,000-seat stadium and getting to relay the Good News that little brother had gotten himself saved. It’s God taking you to the next level of His goodness.
Yes, all three are manifestations of the Father’s ultimate goodness. If you haven’t had a mind-blowing, game-changing sign, miracle or wonder from the Lord Jesus Christ, you need an injection of goodness into your life. Believe in His goodness and go after the supernatural side of God!
From my book: Good Overcomes Evil