I declare in Jesus’ name I need a fresh wind. I am stepping into a new season. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Your love and leading will get me to my purpose and eternal destination!
The greatest threat to a new move of God is what you think of the last move of God. Did you embrace it so tightly you can’t move on to the new thing He is doing? It’s not about the method of how God moves. It is about God moving and we must be willing to follow Him forward however or wherever He chooses.
Look at all the different ways Jesus reached the people He came into contact with. From turning water into wine to attaching the ear of Malchus back to his head—from preaching to the crowds to visiting Zacheus at this house—from ordering out demons, to touching lepers and spitting on dirt to make clay that would open blind eyes, Jesus didn’t do things the same way every time!
He never used a single method to bring people into the Kingdom. Each method He used was right and very personal, though none of them was the only way to solve the problem. As Jesus’ resurrection would prove, you can’t keep Jesus nailed down or in a box!
In an exclusive interview with Nicodemus, a Pharisee who had experienced the spirit of religion most of his life, Jesus warned this high ranking religious authority that He uses creative methods to teach, heal and bring people into the Kingdom.
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” – John 3:8
Are you someone who has been told the spirit of religion is the only way to worship? That God no longer heals or works miracles? Are you realizing you have been keeping Jesus in a box and limiting His power or His love for those you don’t like? Today is a good day to break that spirit. Embrace the Holy Spirit and let Him teach you the power and personality of Jesus.
From my book Living Life /Forward