I declare in Jesus mighty name that he is declaring His goodness in the midst of my chaos. Light is overcoming darkness in my life. I stand at the gates of hell knowing the enemy will not prevail. Chaos go!
The first time we see goodness in the Bible is in the creation account. At the end of each day, in the midst of darkness and chaos, God said, “It is good!”
While everything was messy, unfinished and in a state of deformed transition – while nothing was as it should be and everything was half-formed, God declared His goodness right there on the spot!
…and God saw that it was good. – Genesis 1:25
The Lord waged war on disorder, darkness and chaos by proclaiming and demonstrating His goodness. This is how He changes the atmosphere. He introduces goodness. We should do the same.
And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. –Romans 8:28
Since we love God, we are not afraid of the mess. The mess actually becomes employed by the goodness of God. In this verse, the Bible says our love for God qualifies us to see all things work together for good! It is His ongoing work in and for us to experience goodness.
Know this – there is a lot of warfare involved in confronting darkness and you will not be in clean, pristine, safe environments. You will be in prisons sharing the Gospel, brothels freeing little girls from slavery, ghettos feeding the poor and trash dumps bringing clothing, water and hope to the hopeless.
That sounds pretty good to me! What about you?
From my book: Good Overcomes Evil