The way to My throne room is through the servant’s entrance. Do I not love the poor, the widow and the orphan? Do you? Demonstrate My love and I will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.


I say serving is power because serving is demonstrating Jesus. For a very long time, the American church was the center of society because it selflessly served people. Who do you think built all the hospitals, orphanages, libraries and great universities? Christians did that. We served society on every level. 

I think one of the main reasons the Church has been so impotent in this country is because there’s been so little serving. The government stepped in and said, “We’ll take that responsibility,” and the Church rolled over and let it happen. 

My friends, the American Church should have raised holy hell and said, “Jesus is the foundation of this land and the church ain’t giving up nothing!” But we didn’t and the government is now feeding, housing, educating, counseling, and caring for the people the Church has a mandate to reach for Jesus. 

You want to see where the power of the Holy Spirit is? In serving. Show me a body that is serving and I’ll show you some Holy Spirit power. 

The power of God is seen through serving and my friend, that’s a huge Kingdom principle. Don’t have enough power in your life? You need to serve people in a much more radical way. 

This isn’t works. This is about acts. There is a difference between acts of faith and works toward trying to get saved. I’m not working to be saved, I’m already saved. Jesus did the work. I’m just acting upon the fact that I am saved. Acts of service give us power beyond our own salvation to bring others into salvation. 

So, get up and serve! Act on the salvation you’ve been given and pass it on to someone who needs it. It will save them and bless you. 

For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. – Hebrews 6:10