I have given you a territory to conquer, hearts to speak to and lives to change with the message of My love. I have given you a place of right standing in My Kingdom. You have all you need to bring heaven to earth.
The Kingdom is all about the God-given ability to be able to stand in a place and say, “I can’t believe I’m standing here!” The Bible says in Matthew 6:33,
“But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33
There’s actually a couple of different parts of this. First, is to seek. That means to pursue or chase after something until you see it.
Second is the Kingdom. You should not be seeking after riches, fame, power, position, relationships – all those are things of the world. The Word says if you seek after His Kingdom – the things that are important to God, which means God Himself – He will add “all these things unto you.”
“Pastor Troy, what kind of things is He talking about because I’d like a new TV and an RV would be really nice.” While God does care about you getting your hearts desire, He’s more concerned about you getting His heart’s desire. He’ll add your identity, purpose and destiny and it might just include a few of the things in that list above.
Finally, once you’re going after His Kingdom, make sure you understand that you have a place in that Kingdom. I mean a place where you can stand. Think about this: righteousness is defined as “right standing.”
You don’t just seek the Kingdom and go, “Yeah, but I don’t deserve to be here.” You seek the Kingdom and say with conviction, “Lord, here I am.” When you seek and you stand, He can – and will – add unto you.