You have a choice to love Me, just as Judas did. He was not locked into his fate. That’s why I gave him the money bag knowing he was a thief. He had the power to choose. So do you. Choose Me.
What are the things you are absolutely rock solid in because you have experienced God in those places and you know His power? You know, the times He’s showed up in your life and you know His majesty by personal experience.
You know what that is? That’s being a person of revelation who is tapped into testimony.
Know this: your testimony is not what you did before you were saved. That’s your history. Now that you’re on this side of the cross, you don’t live according to your history.
On this side of the cross, you live according to your destiny. Your testimony is who Jesus is to you – how He has shown up and how you have known Him through personal experience. Because Jesus is ultimately personal, this is a big deal.
You see, Jesus doesn’t just show up for you the same way He does for me. Oh, no, no, no! He knows you and I are different cats. He shows up for you in ways that He knows will speak to you. He shows up in ways that will blow your mind.
Jesus is personal because He’s a bridegroom and He’s madly in love with His bride – you. He will reveal amazing parts of His nature to you when you treat Him like a bride treats a groom and become madly in love with Him.
Consider your testimony. Think about how your Bridegroom has shown up for you because He has. This should change some things in your thinking. It should give you a foundation, a stability knowing you have experienced true love. Can you see it?
If not, let yourself fall in love with Jesus. Prepare yourself like a bride would for her groom. Tell Him everything. Give Him full access to your fears and failures, your hopes and dreams. The experience of Jesus begins today.
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. – Romans 5:5