I want dominion in every part of your life. When I rule and reign in your relationships, you will draw people to Me. When I rule and reign in your finances, ministry or job, you can sow into My Kingdom. My peace will be with you.
I’m going out on a limb today because I’m just blown away with the majesty of God. The book of Ephesians says best what I want you to understand.
“I pray that you would know what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe…” – Ephesians 1:19
“I pray that you would know…” Know what? That you know through experience what you don’t know through wise words.
There’s something else the Bible talks about that is absolutely indescribable and it’s the majesty of God. Any time you look at the majesty of God, it’s how He rules and reigns, and He rules and reigns way different than anybody else.
He rules and reigns, not by being the toughest because it’s obvious He already is the toughest – not through being the most powerful because He already is the most powerful. He rules and reigns through peace.
Crazy! Absolutely crazy! While the Bible says our enemy, the devil, is the prince of the power of the air – he likes to stir up hell in the atmosphere – Jesus is just the opposite. He’s the Prince of Peace. Where He has dominion, there’s no drama!
Is there drama in your life? Are there places where it’s more like hell than heaven? You need to let Jesus rule and reign in that place. Tell Him, “King Jesus, I believe. I pray that I would know the exceeding greatness of your power.” He’ll show up, I promise you, He will give you a glimpse of the glory.