I proved My love for you by becoming a man so I could have empathy with your pain. I proved it again by taking that pain and making it My own on the cross. Show your love for me. Meet Me in the secret place.


There are prayers you pray that you need to pray behind closed doors. The Bible says so and I’ve discovered from personal experience that it’s true. 

“But you, when you pray, go into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” – Matthew 6:6

One of the reasons Jesus says to shut the door is simply for the reason of privacy. The word He uses for “closet” is defined in the Strong’s exhaustive concordance as a “secret chamber” or a place where you retire for privacy. 

Match up your private prayers with private places. Match up your environment, atmosphere and culture. Environment is physical, atmosphere is spiritual and culture is social. Believe me, this is important stuff.

Things that are cultural have to do with relational things. Things that are environmental have to do with your physical location, and the setting you’re supposed to prepare is your atmosphere. The Holy Spirit wants to partner with you in all three of these.

Jesus says to not bring private prayers before public people. That seems pretty simple yet that is radical for the American Church where gossip in the name of accountability runs rampant. 

What do you do with battlefield prayers? Maybe you need to get into a warfare stance. Maybe you need to get a sword and let the devil know you mean business by swinging that bad boy around as you cry out, declare and generally go crazy.

Need to conquer a mountain of debt? Climb one and plant your freedom flag. Get creative and prophetically match your prayers to your desired outcome. Jesus loves that because it’s effective and shows we’re all in.