I did not change My mind, I did not grow soft or break My covenant with my people. I Am a faithful God who loves you enough to give My Son to pay the price you could not. He paid for your healing, prosperity, deliverance and your adoption fee. I Am a good Father.


I’ve heard people ask, “Did God change from the Old Testament to the New Testament?” No.  Numbers 23 tells us God is not one to lie to His people or change His mind. 

“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” – Numbers 23:19

“But Pastor Troy, why are the Old Covenant and the New Covenant so different because is really seems like God changed.” I’m here to tell you He hasn’t and explain what happened from one side of the cross to the other.

It works like this: in order for God Almighty to give you mercy, He first has to deal with the justice part of it. Under the Old Covenant, any time you went into covenant with someone it was until death. Since God Almighty went into that kind of a covenant with them, that meant that He Himself had to die because that was the deal – until death. 

God wanted to fulfill that covenant. Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 He didn’t come to destroy the Old Testament. He came to fulfill it.  

What needed to be fulfilled in the Old Testament? It was the “justice” part because you and I could never tap into God’s mercy if there was no justice. We couldn’t pay the price. The justice part said you and I deserve to go to hell – that the wrath of God had to be poured out upon us.

So what happened? Jesus went to the cross and He paid the justice price for you and for me. He fulfilled our end of the contract. Once He took on all of our sin and the Father judged them, He looked at the Old Covenant and said, “It is finished.” He closed the door on it. 

That was on Good Friday. On Sunday, Jesus resurrected from the dead with all these tickets that said “judgment is given, justice been paid. Now everybody has access to mercy.” 

Yes, Jesus sits upon a mercy seat, but its foundation is judgment and truth. God isn’t bipolar. He is Love and love demands justice and gives mercy – simple as that.