A divided mind is a divided heart. You cannot serve two masters because you will love one and hate the other. Serve only Me. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. 


The devil and Jesus are not in competition. What that cosmic punk is truly competing for is your attention. There are evil things competing for your attention and for what you devote your life to, so you need to focus and get in alignment for your assignment. 

There’s not a single one of us God hasn’t called to steward money. That means we ought to have sources in our life teaching us how to handle money. We are all called to have next level relationships. We should be reading books, have mentors and be studying what the Word of God says about those kinds of things.

Think about how much of your time and attention toward these things are being stolen by the wicked writers of Hollywood. Do you know what Harry Potter’s wand is made out of? Holly. Holly wood. Wood of holly is a witch’s wand. The church of Galatia knew this all too well. 

“You foolish Galatians. Who has bewitched you?” – Galatians 3:1

“But Pastor Troy, you don’t know how entertaining all this stuff is. It’s just fun and I need to just decompress and relax. It doesn’t affect me.”

Can I tell you something? This brother is not against seeing movies. I love movies. I love stories. I’m not against that. But here’s what I’m against: giving all my life and all my devotion to things that are not in alignment with my assignment, and my assignment is to serve people. That’s wisdom.

So, what is competing for your tie and attention? An iffy relationship, your job, an addiction or your favorite sports team? Think about it for a minute. 

If you know more about the Dallas Cowboys or Game of Thrones than you do about your purpose or God-given destiny, you need to use some of that God-given self-control to take back your territory. Tell that cosmic punk to get lost and follow Jesus into alignment for your assignment.