I Am the Prince of Peace. Wherever I have dominion, I bring that peace. Let Me rule and reign in your heart and I will give you peace of mind. It is your reward for seeking My Kingdom. 


Seeking is a big deal to God. He tells us over and over again to seek, but what is it we’re seeking? 

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:33

The Kingdom means His sovereign rule, royal power, where the King has dominion and the power of God is present. The Kingdom is seeing to it that you give God His rightful place in every single area of your life.

Are you giving Him your finances, your thought life and your relationships? What about your tongue? That’s a big one that’s hard to turn over to the Kingdom, but my friend, you need to if you’re going to be righteous. 

And righteousness is the other thing you should be seeking. That means “right standing” or being “morally right.” It also means “justified.” When you ask Jesus to be your savior and get yourself saved, you become justified by the sacrifice of His blood and you have right standing in the family of God. 

So, if you’re seeking and you’re finding, the Bible verse above says you qualify for a reward. I like the way the King James says it, “all these things shall be added unto you.” That means there is upgrade attached to seeking. 

So, what are you waiting for? Seeking leads to finding the Kingdom and His righteousness. Claim your reward. Go after God and start seeking.