I have made you mighty for the pulling down of strongholds and casting down of evil imaginations. Stop imagining your enemy, the devil, as more powerful than Me. Better yet, stop thinking of him as more powerful than you.
When it comes to the devil, people have got it backward – especially religious folks. Here’s the big problem: everyone thinks the devil and Jesus are in some kind of head-to-head competition. Nope.
The devil is not in competition with Jesus. The devil is a created being and a cosmic punk. He’s a knuckle-head with no self-control whatsoever because he has zero fruit of the Holy Spirit – none, zip, nada!
“But Pastor Troy, I’m scared the devil will kill me.” If the devil could kill you he would. How do I know? Because he has no self-control. With that said, don’t give him a place to kill you by stepping out from under God’s hand.
Everyone makes the devil so big and so powerful. Here’s what’s real: you and I are the ones who are big and powerful, and we turn our dominion over to the devil. Any power or authority the devil has, he actually stole from us or tricked us into giving it to him.
So quit making the devil all big and bad!
“But Pastor Troy, here the devil comes again to mess with my life. I wish he would just leave me alone.” If the devil is messing with you, get out of his playpen!
Stop watching the shows you watch, listening to the ungodly music you listen to, talking about the worldly stuff you’re talking about and generally giving him a place to attack you because you’re on his territory – enemy ground.
Be involved in holy things. The devil has no part in those things, but Jesus does. The Holy Spirit is in that territory and when you get on the right battlefield, the devil is no match for you. You’re a bad-motor-scooter, I promise you.
Be an overcomer. Pick up the Sword of the Spirit to fight that mess in your mind. Grasp that Shield of Faith and extinguish some fiery darts. You are an overcomer so get to work and send the devil packing!
For though we live int eh world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. – 1 Corinthians 10: 4