I know the struggles of your mind. You can marshal your thoughts. I have given you the gift of self-control. Use it to take your thoughts captive so you can come to Me with a right mind and spirit. The prayers of a righteous man avail much.
Atmosphere is such a big deal. When it comes to prayer and petitioning God, you have to line up the environment to what is in your heart. I’m talking about atmosphere and this includes the setting your prayer is taking place in.
Here’s what’s real: When I’m praying, I can feel all this anxiety and anger because I know God promised me one thing, but I’m seeing something else. This may sound crazy, but this happens, I get up, leave that room and slam the door and BOOM! I will leave it in that room.
I’ll leave that confusion, doubt, anxiety and anger in that room and I’ll go, “Okay, I’m talking to you, Mr. Brewer. You will be conformed to the image of God’s plan for your life.” Yes, I will flat out talk to myself and tell the in-a-me to get with God’s program.
Through setting and atmosphere, you can figure out skill sets to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to get into your soul! When this happened to King David, he spoke to himself. He said,
“O my soul, why are you disquieted within me?” – Psalm 43:5
It’s biblical to talk to yourself. Then he said,
“You will wait upon the Lord.” – Psalm 27:14
He’s like, “David, when you get with the program God shows up.” He’s talking to himself and bringing himself into alignment. He’s refusing to sit in a dramatic place. Instead, he’s choosing to sit in a truthful place.
Do you struggle with the in-a-me during prayer? Do you need to get with God’s program in your head and heart? Choose your setting. Set your atmosphere and master your mind. Have a soul invasion and bring the Kingdom into your earth.