I created you. I already know what you’re going through. Come to me with your dirty face, dirty hands, and all your mess. I will gently guide you back onto My path for your life. Don’t be embarrassed to cry out.
Some might tell you there is a certain way to communicate with the Creator of the Universe. Hogwash! He will hear you and answer you when you toss aside ‘religion’ and step into ‘relationship’ with Him. All throughout the Bible, righteous people in a desperate situation gave a shout!
“The righteous cry and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. – Psalms 34:17
The psalmist wrote
“When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.” – Psalms 56:9
Elijah cried out and God revived a dead child. Jehoshaphat cried out and God delivered him from death. Hezekiah cried out and God gave him victory. Jesus’ disciples cried out in a storm and Jesus calmed the sea.
Just like at Jericho, that’s the place of shouting, God will cause walls to fall down and enemies to be exposed. A shout out to the Lord gets a shout back to you. How do I know?
Blind Bartimaeus called out to the Lord in a radical way. Jesus stopped and called back out to him. A shout out to heaven gets a shout back to you.
Now, you may have quiet, serious prayers, then there are desperate times when all you can do is shout. You may be praising Him and you may be crying out in desperation. Talk to Him as you would your best friend. I call Him Daddy, Papa, Holy Father – it depends on my situation.
If you have a personal relationship with Him, don’t let the Pharisees of today tell you how and when you can talk to Him. Be real and shout to the Lord.