What I do in your life, may be different from what I do in the life of someone else. What is right for you, may not be right for another person. Others may not be ready for what you are ready for. It’s all about a personal relationship with Me through the blood of My Son. 


When revival starts, we have to protect it. The supernatural fire comes from heaven, but it’s the job of the priests of the house to keep the fire going. The Bible is clear on this: fire falls on sacrifice. 

What is sacrifice? It is selflessness. 

The opposite of revival and the opposite of the Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth is when the Philistines – idol worshippers – get to rule and reign. A Philistine spirit wants us to remember things that are not worth remembering. It also wants us to forget what a big deal the presence of God is. 

A Philistine spirit wants us to forget the big opportunity we have to walk in the presence of God. It wants us to live in fear of our giants. Amen.

If you’re sick and tired of the way things are, you need revival because revival changes things. The dynamics of your family, your financial situation, your marriage, if you want change, you want revival. 

A wise man once said, “True revival means nothing less than a revolution.” And we can see personal revivals throughout the Word of God. A great example of revival, from a supernatural touch, is in Isaiah chapter 6. 

Isaiah is having a throne-room experience looking at all the holiness and righteousness of God. Then, he realizes he is the only one unclean. He exclaims, “Woe is me…” And the Bible says an angel of the Lord takes a hot burning coal off the altar and touches his mouth with it. That’s where sacrifice comes in because the blood of Jesus is on that altar. 

Why did the angel put that coal in Isaiah’s mouth? “O taste, and see that the Lord is good.” It’s a personal experience of the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s revival! You can’t explain to someone what ice cream or chocolate tastes like because tasting is a very personal experience. 

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!” – Psalms 34:8

Let revival begin with you!