My love for you surpasses knowledge. Know how good I Am and that I will not withhold any good thing from you. Nothing will ever separate you from My love. Walk in confidence that I have made you righteous and loved.
God longs for you to know how much He loves you. For you to know Him. Adam knew God in a way few after him did. Too many times, we respond to God as Adam did in the garden – running and hiding from Him and His great love.
God Almighty came to Adam and told him about the two trees that he wasn’t suppose to mess with. Why would God give him a choice? Because He has an agenda to reward us and He can’t reward us if we don’t have choices. The reward can only come in the context of allowing us to make our own choices. So, God tells Adam what he’ll walk in according to his choices. But the snake came and said, “Did God really say that?”
That’s a snake. A snake will cause you to run away from God. I love when God says, “Where are you, Adam? We’re always supposed to meet here and have our daily meeting. It’s going to be awesome. Adam, where are you?” He wasn’t asking this because He didn’t know where Adam was. He was asking because Adam didn’t know.
We are not much different than Adam. We also are not sure if God is for us. So we make the choice. Instead of running to His voice, we hide. Instead of believing what God says about Himself and about who we are in Christ, we listen to snakes and the lies of the in-a-me.
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” — John 10:10
The choice to receive that abundant life is ours. Every time we choose to listen to God and follow Him, we are choosing life and His rewards. Also, every time we choose to listen to the enemy’s lies, he robs us of what is rightfully ours in Christ Jesus.
“You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32
Jesus is the truth. He knows all the truth about you and loves you with an everlasting, crazy love.