I have made each of My children unique. I speak to you and reach you with My word in different ways. I love diversity and long for you to embrace it so you can align with the purpose and plan I have for you – only you.
I see, hear and go after God in tons of different ways. I may be a pastor, but I have my favorite pastors, books, websites, and devotionals, just like you do. Add to that the experiences I’m willing to have and you have a rocket about to launch.
I’m the perfect guy to be a world traveler because I feel just at home in Uganda as I do in Texas. I don’t feel like I’m in a foreign country. I like diversity and that doesn’t come from Texas. It comes from heaven.
Food is another issue. Leanna has actually cried over bad food. Yes, it was monkey and yes it was very, very fresh, but my point is, I don’t really have a gag factor. If I don’t like something, I just move on to the next thing.
It’s the same with getting the word into my life. When somebody says something I don’t like or it has a different spin, I just go, “I don’t need any of that, thank you very much.” I dismiss the thought then I’ll keep listening. I’m just weird like that because I have a huge value for the word in my life.
So many times, we hear something we don’t like and we say, “I’m never going to that church again.” Or, “That doesn’t line up with my beliefs so that person is a false teacher.”
Before you make any rash decisions or go trashing people on Facebook, think about this: every preacher has their assignment. Their assignment may not speak to you, but it’s not supposed to.
Kenneth Copeland is all about faith. Joyce Meyer is all about emotional and mental victory. TD Jakes preaches about getting up and overcoming. Joel Osteen is all about hope.
If you don’t like their message, their delivery, their hairstyle, or you have an issue over their fancy house or private plane, I have this to say – get over it! They are in alignment for their assignment. You’re just not part of it.
When Christians badmouth other preachers, other denominations, or take any opportunity to show how holy there are by criticizing a man or woman of God they don’t agree with, they are doing untold damage to the Kingdom. They are stepping away from the unity Jesus prayed for us to have.
…that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. – John 17:21
Folks, we need to be known for who and what we stand with, and that is Jesus. We don’t have to agree to have unity. We don’t have to like or accept everything we read or hear from every preacher. Find who you can align with and go after hearing the Lord speak.
Get into alignment for your assignment. We need you there.