My Father is an unchanging God. The same Holy Spirit I sent to the apostle Paul, I have also sent to abide in you. None of us will ever leave you. The Holy Spirit intervenes for you, as do I. Fear not!


As your relationship with God the Father is individual and unique, so it is with your prayer life. Prayer is very personal. Let’s take a look at a few examples of deep prayer that can take you to the next level. 

We need to have spontaneous prayer. We also need to have supernatural prayer where we pray in the spirit. Then, there are well-crafted prayers – prayers that you think about. Prayers where you write out the sentence using specific, meaningful language. This is for people who are committed to a deeper walk, who really believe and want to go after it! 

Do you have a value for prayer and approaching God in specific ways for specific situations because you believe there’s a big payoff for that? I do because I know God wants to respond to these things. 

Sometimes, all you can do is cry. There are times a spirit of crying will move upon you when you get in the presence of the Lord. God cannot resist a broken and contrite spirit. The Lord will move that spirit upon you so that He cannot resist you. 

It’s like perfume to Him. This may happen during worship, as worship can be prayer as well. It may happen during alone time with God, in your car, in the shower or it may come upon you in the midst of the church congregation. 

 Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us. Ephesians 2:18

The same Holy Spirit that gave the apostle Paul and other Bible heroes access to The Father freely offers the same access to knuckleheads like you and Me. 

 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. – John 4:24 

Not only are we to worship Him In spirit, but truth as well. We must be authentic! Fake faith will not bear the fruit God intended for your life. This verse is about prayer. It’s about coming before God without walls, with intentionality, expecting He will honor your heart and move in your favor. 

What are you waiting for? Are you skeerd? You shouldn’t be. Your Father has promised never to give you a stone when you ask for bread.