You long to know and be known. So do I. I know you even better than you know yourself. Seek Me and you will find Me. I Am a personal God who wants to be found and known by you.
The book of Revelation, or the book of Apocalypse, gives me so much hope. When I say that, most people say, “Pastor! How can you say that? The apocalypse is the worst thing that could ever happen.”
You really need to understand what apocalypse means, and it is not total calamity, death, and destruction. Apocalypse simply means “the unveiling.” It’s the thing you’ve really needed to see and you finally get to see it. It means, “Ta-daaa!”
The revelation, or apocalypse, of Jesus Christ – the unveiling of Jesus Christ to John – was incredible. The first four chapters of Revelation are just off-the-chain stupid, cool. Why? Because first and foremost, Revelation is a book of Majesty.
Majesty is how Jesus rules and reigns over a situation. It’s when He has dominion and gets to be the King. What I’m getting to here is that you and I need a personal apocalypse of Jesus. We need those “ta-da” moments each and every day, and we need to not rest until we get one.
The worst thing that could happen is not an apocalypse, but the lack of an apocalypse. Missing it or never going after it is truly a calamity. Does Jesus rule and reign in your thoughts and actions? Does He have dominion over your marriage, your family, your work, finances, and ministry?
Get into His presence and don’t leave until He says, “Ta-da!”
“For now, we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” – 1 Corinthians 13:12