You are My child and I love you. I love you not because of what you do or don’t do, but because I have made you My own. I have created you to bear fruit. Keep your eyes on Me, trusting in Me to produce that good fruit.
What happens when Jesus calls you off your map into unsafe places? You know, places where you don’t have people’s approval. Look for Jesus there, and you’ll find Him in that place. But first, you have to go.
You have the opportunity to learn His goodness toward you by following Him. In some parts of your life, you’re following Him and learning to trust Him. In other parts of your life, you’ve already graduated and He’s saying, “Go, go, go, and I’ll back you up.” Do you see the difference between these two?
It is like the difference between Egypt, the wilderness, and the Promised Land. There’s an upgrade in relationship in each stage. In Egypt and the wilderness, you are called to follow. In the Promised Land, you are called to go and conquer.
Jesus Christ is going to call you to forgive people who do not deserve your forgiveness. He is going to call you to pray for and love people who despitefully use you. He’s calling you into dangerous places where there could be failure and into a deeper relationship with Him.
Notice God has not called you to be successful in all things. He’s called you to be fruitful in all things.
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” – John 15:16
“Well Lord, I stepped off of the map and this is a big mess,” you say. Know this: God Almighty isn’t asking you to play it safe, so He isn’t going to be mad when things don’t go right. Jesus Christ did not come to make you safe. He came to set you free.
So, go today and make mistakes knowing you are loved and free to follow Him. Not in your own strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit produce His fruit in you. Map out a whole new world where the King has dominion.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such there is no law.” – Galatians 5:22-23