My Son sacrificed Himself to give you life – an abundant life. To live anything less, is to live your life and take His name in vain. Abundance is yours. Go after it and the prophetic gifts I offer. They are already yours.
When I ask if your life is going to be epic or nominal, I’m actually talking about the power of prophetic acts.
God has designed things so that the spiritual realm is ignited, or initiated, through natural things. In the New Testament, God has designed things so the spiritual follows the natural. I’m still talking about the power of prophetic acts.
For example, consider how we anoint people with oil. There’s nothing magic in the oil. It’s the same kind of oil you fry taters in. When we lay hands on the sick and we use oil, that oil is not some kind of healing salve. It is the natural invitation for the Kingdom to work supernaturally through the faith of the act.
Here are some more prophetic acts in the natural that ignite something in the supernatural realm. We shake the dust off of our feet whenever we’re not received. We prophetically wash the wounds of lepers when we love on those society has cast out, like at our homeless outreach.
We’re acting prophetically when we give financially to the church. We sow seeds into Kingdom projects believing this will initiate a response from heaven toward us.
As the body of Jesus Christ, I don’t know that we really understand the power of prophetic acts and actions. They literally send angels into motion to stir things up, to change atmospheres and outcomes.
“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; the things you don’t allow on earth will be the things that God does not allow, and the things you allow on earth will be the things that God allows.” – Mathew 16:19
The Bible says prophetic acts shake the rafters of both heaven and earth. Grab those keys to the Kingdom and call down angels. Tap into the power of prophetic acts by doing what Jesus did!