Know that I am for you. Trust Me to establish My kingdom in your heart. Commit all your ways to Me and watch Me do beyond all you could ever ask, think or even dream. Trust Me, I’ve got you and will never let you go.


You can’t bring the Kingdom into bad situations if you’re not a subject of the Kingdom. The first place the Kingdom of God needs to show up is within us before it can show up in the world.  Before His will can be done on earth as it is done in heaven, the King has to reign in our hearts.

“For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”—Luke 17:21

Being a subject of the Kingdom means you’re willing to do whatever the Kings tells you. You “subject” yourself to the king. The Kingdom in your heart is that place where you know His ways are better than yours.  

It’s where you know He is way smarter than you and His plans are better than yours. The kingdom is the place in your life where you get it; you’re not God, and Jesus Christ is. You need to be subject to Him as King because it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you His kingdom.

Do you really believe that all He does is good? That what He is asking you to do will result in your highest good and He can be trusted with your life? 

You cannot submit to a king you don’t believe is good. You cannot follow Him until you trust and believe in Him with all your heart. What areas of your heart are not submitted to His kingdom?

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” — Matthew 7:21

In short, the Kingdom is where the King has dominion, and that’s where things are finally right.  If you’ve got the Kingdom in your marriage, finances, and relationship with your kids or co-workers, that means Jesus rules, reigns and things are wonderful. Let’s line up with His will and believe His kingdom has come.