Although I Am the same yesterday, today and forever, I love progression. The crown of My creation, you were made to progress. As you increase in understanding and experience of Me, call out to the deep for newness. I will answer.
You know I love numbers and the way God uses them to speak to us. We know the number three represents perfect completion. I love that third stage place. That’s one of my favorite numerical things to talk about. Not the inner court, not the outer court but the Most Holy Place.
Not just faith and hope, but actually love. I don’t want to be 30-fold or 60-fold. I want to be a 100-fold Christian. The third level brings it all together. It’s absolute, total, and perfect.
Now, I’m not saying I have achieved any of those things, “but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and I press forward to the high calling which is in Christ Jesus.” Amen. That’s what Paul was talking about in Philippians 3. We need to go after something higher and deeper.
When we go from the first stage to the second, that’s newness. We’ve never been at that level before. Just like that, getting to the third stage is also newness. In the Kingdom, newness and transformation go together. You just cannot have one without the other.
As you step into something new – a prophetic lifestyle, relationship, or a ministry that God’s been calling you to – if you’re willing to progress, transformation is the result. You won’t be the same person you were before. Still, you can’t stay there. There is more of Jesus to discover and experience, just as there is more of your destiny to discover. Psalms puts it this way:
“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.” – Psalms 42:7
Can your life ever be the same once the breakers of God’s love and plan for you have swept you away from the shore? Don’t fear. Embrace the newness of progression and the transformation it brings. Go after that third stage.