I have not called you to walk alone. Know that I Am leading you along the path I have for you. Do not let the enemy discourage you by what you can see. Let Me open your eyes to all the promises I have planned for you.
I am passionate about leadership and anything entrepreneurial. I’m like a sponge when it comes to anything about transformation or going to another level. I’m a part of all kinds of book clubs and mentoring communities.
Think about how much of your attention is being stolen by the wicked writers of Hollywood. The vast majority of Christians are distracted at best and addicted to being entertained at the worst.
Does anybody know what Harry Potter’s wand is made out of? Holly. Holly wood is literally a witch’s wand. Paul asked the Galatians, “who has bewitched you?” Today, I’m asking you, “have you been bewitched into the prison of being entertained.”
Now, this brother is not against seeing movies. I love movies. I love stories. I’m not against that. But here’s what I’m against – giving all of my life and all of my devotion to things that are not in alignment with my assignment. That’s wisdom.
It’s wisdom to give your time and attention to Godly things. It’s wisdom to study time management, upgrade and how to advance to the next level of just about any part of your life – your spiritual life is a huge part of that.
Learn to be a leader. Learn to be a servant. There are things competing for your attention and for what you will devote your life to. Find your focus and get in alignment for your assignment. Your thoughts matter so think about things that elevate your life. That’s wisdom too!
“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.” – 1 Corinthians 2:12