There is nowhere you follow Me that I Am not present in all My glory and power. I will supply every need you face along the way. Walk after Me knowing I Am for you. Fear not. It is My pleasure to give you the Kingdom.


God blesses pursuit. That statement can absolutely change your life. It is only as we are following Him that we understand God blesses pursuit. Jesus has called us to follow Him, to trust Him.

Who has complained their way into an upgrade? You don’t pursue by sitting on your butt and griping. You can’t complain, gripe, moan, or pity yourself into an upgrade. It will never work. Following means getting up and believing God Almighty has something for you.

Yeah, you’re probably going to make some mistakes and that’s OK. The worst thing in the world is not for you to make mistakes, but for you to do nothing. Jesus defined the person who plays it safe and stays on the couch as a “wicked and lazy servant.” He wasn’t willing to take a risk. The reason he refused to take the risk is because he didn’t trust the Master. He accused the Master of being different than He actually was!

How is it that you and I can qualify to know King Jesus in a greater way than others do? We qualify because we’re willing to follow Him where other people are not willing to. You can say you love Jesus all you want, but I can tell if you love Jesus by whether or not you’re laying down your life and following Him. Amen.

Following is so important. We need to learn how to follow. It’s what qualifies us for greatness. It teaches us how to trust Him. It’s in following Him we see the goodness of God. 

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me, for whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” – Matthew 16:24-25

We have the choice today to keep our eyes on Jesus – to follow Him or sit on the couch in fear of the risk. He is good. Trust and follow.