I didn’t create you to be alone – to be an island. I created you for fellowship with people who love and look for Me. Find the people who challenge you to greater revelation of Me. They are your brothers and sisters.


If it’s in the Bible, but it’s not in your life, there’s a problem. If you see truth in the Bible, but it’s not in the people you’re doing life with, you’ve been hooked up with the wrong people.

You’ve also been hooked up with the wrong tribe if you think something only works in the Bible, but it doesn’t actually work in anybody’s life today. That kind of thinking makes the “Bible” God. The Bible is not God. The Bible is the written testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is God, and the Scriptures testify of Him.

Even though there are some tripped out things in the Bible, when you dig and go after it, you will find these whacked things can actually be in your life and they are awesome!Like the four different creatures that circle the throne.

They have lots of wings, are covered in eyeballs, and have four different faces. While these seraphim can seem alarming and confusing, they are really a great revelation about Jesus. Look at the four faces:

Lion – Jesus as your King, our ruler, the One in control.

Ox – Jesus as your burden-bearer, the greatest selfless servant of all times.

Eagle – The supernatural side of Jesus, God Almighty, all-powerful, eternal, and spirit.

Man – The human side of Jesus, personal, emotional, family. He shares your joys and sorrows.

These are prophetic illustrations of different ways you and I need to see Jesus. I want Jesus in every single area of my life because I refuse to hide certain parts from Him. “Adam, Adam, where are you?” No, that doesn’t work.

At the throne of God we see these four supernatural faces and it all indicates a side of Jesus we need to know to have supernatural victory in this world. In order for you and I to walk in kingdom victory, we need to know Jesus in all four parts of our life – the Kingdom, our service, the human, and supernatural sides of us. 

It’s really very simple though, the picture painted in Isaiah and Revelation seems pretty whack. Are these biblical things working in your life? If they aren’t, hook up with this tribe of drop-dead, sold-out seekers. New revelations are awaiting.