I Am the Good Shepherd who has laid down His life for His sheep. Trust in Me with your whole heart. Follow Me. O taste and see that I Am Good.
So, there are two things going on in your life at the same time and it’s these two words: follow and go. “Well, Pastor Troy, am I following or am I going?” You should be doing both, and you should be doing both at the same time. In one area of your life you’re following, and in another you’re going.
Follow means this: you and I are going to be God-chasers for the rest of our lives. David was amazing at following and going. In Psalms 23, he paints a picture of the Lord being his shepherd–following Him wherever He leads, from green pastures to His house forever.
The mark of maturity is that you are willing to follow Jesus. Even into places you were unwilling to follow Him before. That’s exactly what King Jesus did with Peter even to the end of his life. Jesus said to Peter:
“Very truly I tell you, when you were younger, you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” – John 21:18
He’s talking about spiritual maturity here. He is not talking about feeble old age. You’re following King Jesus into places that there would have been no way you would have gone before. But you’re beginning to trust Him. You are now willing to lay down things that you want because you believe that Jesus wants better for you than even you want for yourself.
Every day, you have the choice to follow and go where the Good Shepherd leads you. Knowing He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Choose today to follow and see how really good His ways are.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” – John 10:27