You think you are fooling Me, but I know your thoughts, actions, doubts, and fears. I’m not angry at your humanity. I Am compassionate toward your faults. Openly bring them to Me and will give you peace.
The book of Matthew is all about Jesus as your King. When Jesus is your King, you begin to really love Him as your King and begin to really pursue the kingdom.
The King, the Kingdom, the domain of the Kingdom, and the dominion of the King are all the same thing. When you fall in love with Jesus or serve Him any way, you begin to fall in love with the kingdom and want to serve in it.
There’s no such thing as a king without a kingdom, and there’s no such thing as a kingdom without real estate. Here’s what’s real, my friends: Jesus is after real estate. What real estate is that? You. You are the real estate that Jesus is after.
He wants dominion in your heart, mind, and actions. He wants to rule and reign in your words, your relationships, and your job. In short, Jesus wants it all. He wants all of you to be sold out and in love with all of Him.
Really, is that too much to ask for the God who planned you and your purpose before time began and the voice that spoke you into existence?
For You formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. – Psalm 139:13-14
Not only that, Jesus saved you and He loved you enough to give you free will to choose to love Him back. That right there should have you turning over your life to Him right now. The question is, does Jesus have all of your life?
What parts are you holding out? What things are you hiding? Just give your secrets up to Him. Let Him have dominion in your life. When the King has dominion, the result is always peace.