I Am more than you can imagine. I can do more than you can ever think or dream. I dare you to have great expectations for My limitless power, love and grace to show up in your life today. Look for Me. I Am with you always.


It is so important that we come into the presence of the Lord with expectancy. I don’t know what God is going to do at each church service, but I do know God is awesome. When I can’t predict His hand, I can predict His heart. He’s good, and so is getting together every week to celebrate Him at church.

Every time the Body of Christ gathers, there’s either going to be a band playing or you’ll be having an awesome encounter with Jesus. You and I need to come to church fully prepared to have an encounter. Without that, church is nothing but a big room full of people.

Before every service, I pray, “Lord, let there be expectancy among us.” I want you to know Jesus better, understand your Bible in a whole new way and get real revelation into the heart of God, but that only happens if you want it to. 

If you’ve ever found yourself complaining about the worship songs because they “didn’t speak” to you, or saying the sermon was boring or “didn’t apply” to you, I’d bet dollars to doughnuts you showed up needing an attitude adjustment. You weren’t expecting great revelation, upgrade or encounter so you left disappointed.

I’m sure a lot of you are tired. You’ve worked hard and maybe your week had more problems than solutions, blame than recognition, sickness than health, and more loneliness than friendship. Church is the place you go to celebrate God’s goodness with thanksgiving.

Being thankful, especially in the midst of problems, will keep you from twisting off into darkness and despair. It also brings the expectancy you need to have those life-changing, paradigm-shifting encounters with the Holy Spirit. 

Today, even though we’re meeting together over e-mail, I pray the Spirit of the Lord quicken you in such a way that you leave reading these words more in love with the Lord Jesus Christ than when you kicked the sheets off. I declare you will have expectancy that the Lord will do great things this day – and on Sunday.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your heart to God. – Colossians 3:16