The objective of all godly people is for their kids to know Jesus. But all of us aren’t going to have the same strategy and we’re not supposed to. Why? Because what works in my house might not work in yours. So, we all have different strategies, and get this – we don’t need to be at war because our strategy is different.
Now, here’s the problem: most of us as leaders don’t know the difference between a tactic and a strategy. If you asked me, “What is your goal, Pastor Troy?” My answer is, “I want to see Jesus transform the lives of more people than I could possibly imagine.” Okay, what’s your strategy? “I’m going to do church,” I tell you.
No! Strategies and tactics are not the same! Many church leaders don’t know they are lacking a strategy – they only have tactics. Because of that, they’re vulnerable to the strategies of the kingdom of hell. I want to teach to you clearly the difference between strategies and tactics.
The dictionary, defines strategy as “a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time.”
It defines tactic as “an action or method that is planned and used to achieve a particular goal.” You see, one is a plan while the other is an action. You still with me?
Our strategy here at Open Door church is to demonstrate and preach the goodness of God and to portray Jesus as living and life-giving. Feeding the poor and homeless is a tactic, or action, that backs up my strategy. I will not bail on this strategy. It is life-giving.
This is who Jesus is to Troy Brewer and such as I have I give unto you. We should all have tactics (actions) that support the strategy (plan) to meet the clear objective – the harvest. So, what’s your plan? What steps are you prepared to take? Do not fear! The results are not up to you, but to the Lord of the Harvest.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” – Matthew 9:37-38
From my sermon series LORD OF THE HARVEST
I made you to be unique. Search out My objectives. Use strategies and tactics to achieve My plan. I have made you to be different. Find what works for you then go.