What’s real is, you are building a history with God. That history leads to your destiny and this is how that works: God shows up and at a certain time, blows your mind, changes everything and that becomes a prophetic marker within your life.
Then God shows up again and again.
When He begins to mark your life as His, you start living according to the word of your testimony. The Bible says in the book of Revelation that your testimony makes you an overcomer.
And they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. – Revelation 12:11
You overcome the world – the enemy and the “in-a-me” – by the blood of Jesus and your word about who He is to you.
When you begin to confess that, along with how much He cherishes you and how much you cherish Him, the enemy’s hold on your mind and your life breaks. You overcome.
Let me give you a hint about confession. You don’t have to hide your junk from Jesus. If you’re scared He’s going to punish you for being real with Him, you’re never going to be real with Him.
Unfortunately, religion has taught us to put on a mask and act like we’re holy when, in fact, we have junk in our life and we always will! Holiness does not mean we’re perfect. It just means we’re set apart for Jesus. We can be set apart and still have junk that we’re working on.
Got junk in the trunk? Confess it to Jesus. He’s not mad at you for being human, I promise you that. Then confess how good He is, how much He loves you and fights for you. Confess how much you love and trust Him. That’s how you overcome the world, and your junk.
You were not made in the image of man, but the Most High God. You were designed to overcome. Believe it. Receive it and confess it. Let your own ears hear who you are to Me and who I Am to you.