You know I’m all about upgrade and Isaiah 9:7 is the great upgrade Scripture. It’s an amazing prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ and it says this:
“Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” – Isaiah 9:7
There’s no such thing as the “end” of His government and His peace. However much of the Kingdom you have, you still haven’t tapped out yet. By the way, peace is Jesus ruling and reigning in your life. That’s why the majestic side of Him is called “the Prince of Peace.”
That’s also why when you don’t have peace in your life, it’s because you know Him as your friend or “homeboy,” not as your King. You have to upgrade. You have to go after something more than what you had in Him when you first got saved.
My friends, you were made to improve, progress and upgrade. How do I know? Nobody dreams of living in a ditch or aspires to a worse life tomorrow than they had today – nobody!
Does upgrade in your relationship with Jesus appeal to you? It should. He should no longer be your friend, but your King. He should no longer be your Savior, but your Destiny. Go after more Jesus. There is no end to Him or the good things He has in store for those who love Him. You were made for upgrade.
My love, My patience, My wisdom, My creativity, My attention – it is all limitless. I have given you the mind of Christ, which is also limitless. So what does that make you?