God loves your family. He loves the people in your family that you don’t even love. When you’re like, “I cannot believe we’re all part of the same gene pool,” Jesus is like, “Yuuup! And you’re all from the shallow end.” 

While there is nothing that can bless you like family, there is nothing that can curse you like family. There’s nothing  better than family or worse than family. With that in mind, know this truth: it is God’s idea for family to be life-giving to you. 

Your family being life-giving doesn’t just happen because you’re a Christian. I don’t care how saved you are. You don’t get the goodness of God into your family just because you’re saved or you attend church.  

The only way you can be blessed and bring the kingdom into your family is if you partner with God in the long term. It takes hard work, prayer and intentionality. It’s something you determine, then strive for. 

It’s up to you to bring the presence of God into your family. It’s not enough for you to have a relationship with Jesus. Jesus has to be part of the family so they can have relationship with Him too.

Your walk with God doesn’t just rub off on your spouse, children, brothers and sisters. You have to introduce them. The best way is to reflect brother Jesus’ sacrificial nature. Or, you can selflessly provide and protect the way Father God does. 

When they recognize God’s family resemblance in you, they’ll see that’s a gene pool they want to swim in. So invite Father God and Brother Jesus into the family and jump into the deep end!

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. – Deuteronomy 6:6-7

From my sermon series NEXT OF KIN


I have promised a thousand generations to those who love Me. Are your children part of a thousand generations? Show you love me. Reflect Me and My love, and watch your generations follow.