There are many, many Christians who are part of the harvest of the Lord, but they don’t have a harvest themselves. That’s a shame. Why? Because the harvest is not yours, the harvest is His.

You and I play a vital part within the harvest, and the problem is not the seed. It’s not the ground. It’s the people in charge of stewarding the harvest. In the book of Matthew, Jesus says something very telling of our generation:

“Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”  – Matthew 9:39

That means you have a whole different agenda than anybody else does. You have to operate in faith, and faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.

Faith, hope, and love are 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold. That’s akin to: 

    The inner court, outer court, and most holy place. 

        Past, present, future. 

            The sun, the moon, the stars. 

                 The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. 

                      Egypt, the wilderness, and the Promised Land. 

The problem with the harvest – especially a 60- or 100-fold harvest, is most Christians are “Egyptian” Christians. They are “someday” Christians. They don’t walk in the power of God today, but they hope to someday. 

For 400 years, the Jews were in Egypt where they said, “Someday God is going to do something. I’m still part of God’s people, but all I can offer now is just the bondage I’m in.” Someday Christians are 30 fold Christians. What’s the problem with that?

Jesus deserves more. He deserves a 100-fold harvest out of you and I. Do you want that? Are you committed? Move to the inner court, then step into the Holy of Holies. Do it for the Lord of the Harvest.

From my sermon series LORD OF THE HARVEST


I have a plan for your expected end. With that plan, comes many crowns. Do you want these gifts? I want to give them to you so you can crown Me with many crowns. It will be your greatest gift to me.