I am jealous FOR you. I do not want to share your affection and devotion with another. That is why you’ve been taken out of the world that so early entangles. You are part of My family. Enjoy the freedom of being Mine.
If you’re going to have kids, one thing you’ll discover is that they’re weird. At first it’s offensive. Know this: your kids aren’t going to be like you. They have a mind, talents and a destiny all their own apart from you. That’s a tough pill to swallow.
You learn to love those things about them over time. It’s like that with Father God. The Lord does not hate your humanity. Jesus is so amazing. He just has such grace for you. He likes you. He doesn’t just love you, He actually likes you and me.
He has great plans for all His kids and setting us apart for the family business is just one of those amazing plans. Check this out…
“But I have said to you, “You shall inherit their land, and I will give it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey. I am the Lord your God, who has separated you from the peoples.” – Leviticus 20:24
It’s amazing, in this one verse God says, “I’m separating the land from these people and I’m giving it to you to possess. I’m also separating you from the world so the world cannot possess you, but I can possess you.”
A big part of you being possessed by the Holy Spirit is you possessing something else that the devil use to occupy. Being separated from a world that follows satan has its advantages. However, many run right back to the world. They immerse themselves in the drama and wonder why life gets rough.
That’s because you’re out of alignment for your assignment. That great big destiny and all the weirdo talents and traits God implanted in you only work when you’re following Him. Parents, if that’s a picture of your kiddo, don’t despair. God is faithful even when your child is not.
You have an inheritance in them. Never give up on that.
From my sermon series MILK AND HONEY