You are made in My image. You are eternal. I am so glad you have chosen to spend it in My presence. I enjoy being with you even today, especially today as you spend time with Me.
I’ve told you about two of the four faces of Jesus – the Lion, which is seeing Him as King. He’s a passionate, powerful warrior, and the Ox. The ox is all about Him being your burden bearer. He’s a servant – faithful, hardworking and practical.
The third face is that of a man. That means He’s human. So many people forget this! Yes, He was 100 percent God, but make no mistake, Jesus was also fully, 100 percent a man.
As a man, He’s not only your friend, He’s your brother – your family. He’s personal. He has a personality and He’s emotional. There’s no pain you’ve suffered or happiness you’ve enjoyed that He hasn’t also experienced. He’s been there!
While these things blow my mind, it’s my opinion that the best part about Jesus being God with skin is this: He does not hate your humanity, He’s okay with you being a human being, and that you’re sometimes a knucklehead.
His humanity is what spoke deepest to Luke. A physician and scholar, Luke talked with eye-witnesses, heard their testimonies first-hand and was blown away with the humanity of the Savior.
This face of Jesus was hinted at through Ezekiel. The name Ezekiel means God is my strength. Jesus is that, and then some. How do you know Him? Do you embrace His humanity as much as you believe in His divinity?
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. – 1 John 1:14
From my sermon series JESUS UNVEILED