I understand all languages, for I gave them. I hear you when you cry out, when you shout and when you can’t find words. I long to hear from you whether you speak quietly, shout or sing. I speak your language.
If you’re religious, there’s one way to do things and everybody has to do things your way. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mainline denomination or a Muslim, religion is religion. It always cares more for traditions than people.
Unlike religion, in the Kingdom, there’s variety. The Word tells us that before the throne there’s every nation, kindred, and tongue. Not everybody speaks the same language in heaven. Yes, the Bible says that.
While that may bother you, God is not threatened by that. All that variety adds something beautiful. Prayer is just like that. There is the treasure chest of meditation, prayer, declaration, prophesying, shouting, calling, and crying out.
Sometimes, a formal prayer seems appropriate. Other times, all you’ll know how to do is pray in the Spirit. Still other times, your soul cries out silently.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. – Romans 8:26
I admit it. I pray loud. There are three English words used for high volume prayer; shout, cry out, and call. There are going to be times you’re not going to know what to pray but you’ll know you can’t do it quietly. Those are the times you shout “Jesus!”
There’s power in the way you approach the Lord. You need to have spontaneous prayer, supernatural prayer where you pray in the Spirit, and well-crafted prayers that you comb through scripture to find. These are prayers you think about and write out to convey an exact longing or message.
There are many ways to pray and the way you approach the Lord is all your own, so come before the King. Do you believe there’s a big payoff for prayer? Whisper, groan or cry out. He speaks your language, unspoken or not.